Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Politics 101: Can stalling and answering questions with other questions be a successful strategy for you?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why politicians incorporate the strange practice of asking themselves questions, then answering them? I have. Have you noticed that some of these questions seem rhetorical, but they answer them anyway? Yes, they do. Have you ever stopped to realize that these politicians are saying a lot of words, and they make it seem like they are really trying to answer questions truthfully, but are really just talking, and talking without saying anything at all, and continuing on, and on without end and they might even sound sincere with their device of asking a different question, in order to avoid answering the first question, until you realize you don’t remember what they start answering, or asking in the first place, and you wish you hadn't even asked anything? Sorry, what was the question again?

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